Our middle school team will be hosting a parent information session. We’ll be sharing class expectations, plans for the school year, and introducing OTUS - our new learning management system.
Our high school team will be hosting a parent information session. We’ll be sharing class expectations, plans for the school year, and introducing OTUS - our new learning management system.
For middle and high school girls interested in soccer. Room 112. A parent meeting will be scheduled later based on interest. Questions? Email or message Coach Long on ParentSquare.
Calling all parents, family, and community members interested in volunteering! Support our Trailblazers with the opening of our new athletics fields and growing sports programs.
A Governing Board meeting will be held on October 1, 2024 at 9 a.m. at the below address utilizing Communications Media Technology (“CMT”). The CMT used will be the following link: https://babcockneighborhoodschool-org.zoom.us/j/89320631586. Interested persons may either attend this meeting via CMT or in person at 43261 Cypress Parkway, Babcock Ranch, FL 33982. For more information […]