The Babcock Difference

About Us

Our History

In 2017, Babcock Neighborhood School (BNS) opened its doors in Babcock Ranch, FL as part of the Charlotte County school system. In August 2022, the all new Babcock High School (BHS) and athletic facility opened to the community. The first graduation at BHS will occur in 2024.

Located in the heart of America’s first solar-powered town, Babcock Schools are charter schools that offer a place-based environmentally focused “greenSTEAM” education program that integrates science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics.

Our Mission

Growing World Changers. The work of Babcock Schools is to develop students academically and with the essential skills for success necessary in their post-secondary experience.

Our Vision

Babcock Schools will design meaningful learning experiences that develop effective communicators, resilient learners, and global citizens, to become tremendous Trailblazers.

Project-Based Learning

Babcock Schools have a system designed around personalized learning, student voice and choice, and a variety of instructional practices – including Project Based Learning (PBL) to engage students in relevant and real-world problem solving.

At Babcock Neighborhood and High School, the educational approach is centered around crafting learning experiences that extend far beyond conventional classroom boundaries. By integrating project-based learning into the curriculum, students are encouraged to become effective communicators and resilient learners, skills vital for success in today’s global society. These projects are carefully designed to mirror real-world challenges, ensuring that as students work towards meeting and surpassing state-mandated standards, they are also developing the ability to apply these learnings in practical, everyday situations.

This method fosters not only academic excellence but also prepares students to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and competence. In essence, Babcock’s educational framework is about nurturing not just scholars, but true Trailblazers who are prepared to make a significant impact in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Integrated STEAM Curriculum

We employ a robust Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) curriculum, encouraging interdisciplinary learning and fostering creativity alongside analytical skills.

Project-Based Learning

Students engage in real-world projects that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, preparing them for practical challenges outside the academic environment.

Arts & Culture

Our expanding program includes diverse arts education, including visual arts, music, and drama, encouraging self-expression, cultural appreciation, and emotional intelligence.


We offer a wide range of sports and physical activities starting in Kindergarten. The programs focus on physical health, teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship, contributing to well-rounded personal development.

Leadership Development

A structured leadership and mentorship opportunities pair students with educators and professionals, enhancing personal growth, leadership skills, and career readiness.

Dual Enrollment, AP, and Cambridge AICE Programs

Offering Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP),  and the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program. This allows students to earn college credits while still in high school and provides rigorous, in-depth study across a wide range of subjects.

Project-Based Learning

Demonstration Site

Babcock Neighborhood School is the first school in Florida to become a Certified Demonstration site for Project-Based Learning through Magnify Learning. BNS utilizes Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a framework for teaching and learning. The process includes developing a driving question around a real-world concern that helps the students focus on the instructional purpose and content of what standards will be covered in their instructional learning unit in student-friendly language. All teachers are trained in PBL over the course of three years and are required to earn their PBL certification. This is a rigorous process that requires each teacher to provide evidence collected throughout the three years of implementation, where they, validate they have met each standard. The evidence is reviewed and only approved if the teacher has met all required areas with quality evidence.

Once the school has sufficient evidence and meets requirements, they are able to be granted certification as a demonstration site. This allows other schools to visit and see the process in action as they make decisions on implementation in their own classrooms, schools, and districts. BNS was proud to achieve this status and be a model for other schools and systems who desire to provide an innovative educational experience to their students.


The charter mission and vision has achieved many of the initial goals.  Here are a few highlights over the last few years that have contributed to the success of Babcock Schools. 

  • Earned an “A” School Grade in Year 1
  • Selected to become a Summit School (Spring 2018, implemented Fall 2018)
  • Implementation of Exhibition Nights to showcase Project-Based Learning experiences for all grade levels provides opportunities to show the connection between academic standard and real-world problem solving experiences.
  • Development of Digital Backpack focused on four areas of lifelong learning and building essential skills: Tremendous Trailblazer, Effective Communicator, Resilient Learner, and Global Citizen 
  • Named a National Demonstration Site for their work with Magnify Learning (Spring 2021), after 4 years of fidelity to implementation
  • Achieved goal of becoming first PBL certified school in Florida
  • One certified trainer in our building for PBL and two more in process  
  • Incredible Teamwork and Support from many stakeholders: BNS Governing Board, Collaborative Educational Network, Kitson & Partners, Teachers, Charlotte County Board of Education Staff
  • Cambridge AICE International School (Fall 2019)
  • STEM Regional Champions (Spring 2018)
  • Established Technology Student Association (Fall 2019)
  • Competed at regional, state and national level
  • Implemented Thespian Program (Spring 2019)
  • Started BNS Athletic Programs (Fall 2019)
  • New High School Opened (August 2022)
  • Capturing Kids’ Hearts Rising Star Campus (May 2023)
  • Achieved Cognia Accreditation (December 2023)

In the News

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